Thursday, August 16, 2012

9. The black perception or logic or hat

I SEE WITHOUT BEING SEEN/I HIDE    (or negatively I do not) therefore I am

The reductionism approach, the convergent thinking.
The converging thinking leads to few root principles or experiences.
It is the logic of limited resources. 
Details are hidden or eliminated. 
It is very often utilized together with the infrared logic. 
This logic is the E. de Bono black hat.
As the elementary experiences of many people are painful in need and failure experiences, these root-facts, may be  close to fear, worries, negative attitude, cautiousness.
In such cases according to this logic, the negative sides are emphasized; What is really probably that it will happen in the future?  The bad events of the past of a project, will repeat if we adopt the project again. The flaws and contradictions with the common sense are highlighted. We may doubt the presented evidences. The appearances may be deceiving. Is the conclusion really valid? What is the risk?
Within the black logic we have the chance to express, what is   sometimes called ,  the devil's advocate opinion.  It focuses on why something may not work. With the black logic we detect the difficulties and dangers; where things might go wrong. A very  powerful and useful logic. It is  a problem, if overused.
So very often it is identified as a negative logic.
But in reality it may be  positive or negative logic, as all colored logics too.

Wise use of it, is positive and necessary; overuse of it turns it to  negative.